Lumberjack’s Joy – read up on our interference with the etarnal battle between mama nature and papa percussive drill! #studio #Construction
It’s End of April 2014: Honestly … mother nature sure was about to win this one. Here you can see what we had to do to the lounge once the iron heap was gone. Not exactly a pleasant job, especially because the floor was really nice.

The interior is in bad condition too. The painted hardwood parquet is rotting away, the benches are mouldy. First thing on the agenda is disassembling these benches.

The incredibly brittle hard wood parquet and the rest of the interior have by now been eliminated. The clean-up will have to wait till tomorrow.
In the end a weird smell was all that remained. Similar to entering a really good area for mushrooms in the perfect mushroom forest the odour in the basement (after we extracted the wooden floor) was disturbingly evoking a certain gusto for mushroom ragout with bread dumplings in a very subliminal way…
But enough of that! Yuk.