Starting coming monday, February 15th we’re once again opening our rehearsal rooms! We take reservations via our booking widget online. Read up on the details, all safety measures and conditions here.

Rehearsal rooms open
- Starting Monday, Feb 15th 2021 we are opening our rehearsal rooms testwise.
- Reservations possible starting now via our widget!
- Rehearsing allowed according to regulations by our government.
As in december the following rules apply to any reherasal sessions:
- limited number of people in rooms
- 20 m² / customer
- Min. distance of 2m
- FFP2-Mask mandatory
Furthermore the over-night curfew is still in effect between 8pm and 6am. However, full-time and part-time music professionals may legally leave their private home for professional reasons even during the curfew. Therefore, our rehearsal rooms are open between 7am and 10pm again.
Please, respect the law and act accordingly when booking sessions!
If possible, get your covid-19 status checked before rehearsing and help protect yourself and the people around you!
We are not required to demand proof of any kind from customers concerning their professional activity as musicians. However it may be in your own interest to carry or provide proof in case of a stop-and-search by the police. Legally basically any valid document of a past paid gig (concert poster, contract for musician’s fee – drinks and food are legally „payment“!) should count as proof of past-time profession as a musician according to FFMA (Fachvertretung Film & Musik, WKO)
- To protect you and others, please use free-of-charge desinfectant for your hands and any surfaces.
- The ventilation system is running 24/7 to prevent infection via aerolsols.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with CoViD-19, please stay at home! We will refund any sessions, no questions asked!
We are looking forward to hearing you play again!
Stay safe, stay positive!
Your #TeamKlangkellerei